Saturday, July 30, 2005

New film on the way and old films find new home!

As you may be able to tell my old films have found a nice home over on Google Video. You just need the player to see them. My next project is about to wrap up and all I am saying is that it is Metal Gear Solid related. Think Snake outside the game. All I'm saying...


Thursday, May 12, 2005

Random Battles Ep. 2 up and running!

Hope you like it. Check the sidebar for the download. Special thanks go out to my friends who helped me with this. Hopefully this won't be the last time we see these characters. I have something crazy up my sleeve next... Stay tuned...err or whatever internet termed they have for "checking back often."


Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Random Battles Episode 2 shot and almost ready

Shot it last night(one night later than we planned) and have it pretty much edited. Just need to do the titles and add music. I think it is good and I hope you do as well. Should be up by Friday. Also, if you turn to the sidebar, my films are archieved and over there for your downloading pleasure. So let's start exahusting some bandwith!


Sunday, May 08, 2005

Random Battle Episode 2 shooting begins tomorrow

Gonna shoot it tomorrow evening hopefully. I hope to also work in some of those quickies as well. Ran the script by my friend and he seemed to like it. Hope he doesn't mind taking a step back and laughing at himself though. Should be a good day of shooting tomorrow and should have the video up by the end of the week. In other news, I got some new editing software that I got specifically for lightsaber effects. Tinkered a little bit with the poor Star Wars Kid and made a pretty cool 2 second lightsaber twirl. So yeah, Star Wars fan film is inevitible.


Monday, May 02, 2005

Script completed for "Random Battles" Episode 2

Yeah, the other night I couldn't sleep so I took out a pen and paper and wrote up a quick script for a sequel of the popular film "Random Battles"(formerly known as Real Life RPG). I'd like to think my script "brings the funny" as it makes references to a lot of things in pop culture and video games. Even though I wrote up a script, don't think I won't just add things on the spot. I love being spontaneous on set. You never know what you'll get when watching a Mind Wander Production. I also have some idea's for some quick 10 second filler pieces. Poser Mobile anyone? Anyway, I'll run this by Emery(the dude with the camera and co-star of most of the films) and see what happens.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

And so it begins....

And with this first post Mind Wander Productions is launched. I am of course Gavin Eddings from the blog Gavin's Garage. As that site was mainly for my movie reviews, this site will be for movies that I have made under my Mind Wander label. I have a movie that I have made recently up for download. It's only on a temp server though and I hope to change that very soon. Enjoy these two "greatest hits" that we have had so far.

Bounty Hunter and Real Life RPG